
Alpine Oil Kazakhstan Exploration Programme

Uniquely with professional skillful teams, we meet up on our quality and quantity explore figure required.

LLP «AOK-OIL» carries out exploration works with the purpose of expanding the resource base. Exploration activities have been consistently delivering good results driven by the advanced exploration techniques and selection of the most promising areas based on research results. To increase the success of exploration drilling, step-by-step implementation of advanced technologies for processing and interpreting seismic data continued. In particular, innovative approaches to account for inhomogeneities of the upper part of the column are used to minimize the forecast error for structures. At the design stage, finite-difference modeling of the wave field is carried out to select the optimal parameters of the seismic survey. The Company has unparalleled expertise in the In Saratov Region operations, which allows to minimize risks associated with the development of new fields and shorten new project lead times. Proximity to export markets and own transportation infrastructure reduces the transportation expenses and improves cost efficiency of operations in the region targets for exploration.

International Projects

Most of our international exploration activities were concentrated holding 60% as project operator and INPEX CORPORATION holding 40%. 3D seismic surveys were conducted at within the approved exploration program, with a fourth well drilled to completion at the large discovered field, producing a commercial flow of dcrude oil.
